Greenhorns Radio

Episode 73: Tanya Tolchin

Episode Summary

Tanya Tolchin and her husband Scott Hertzberg run a small diversified vegetable, flower, and herb farm called Jug Bay Market Garden (www.jugbaymarketgarden). The farm is located 20 miles outside Washington, DC and markets primarily through a CSA that delivers to Capitol Hill. Her first farm experience was on the Food Bank Farm in Western Massachusetts and later she worked on farms in Connecticut, England, and Israel. Tanya also worked for 10 years as an organizer and lobbyist for Sierra Club on issues ranging from protecting national forests to protecting workers and communities from toxic chemicals and forming alliances with labor unions. Now she is focused on her role as a full time mother of two young children and the farms bookkeeper, marketer, cheerleader and writer. Sometimes she can even be caught getting her hands dirty like the good old days, planting, weeding, picking and packing. Tanya is also trying to actualize her long time dream of being a writer, starting with freelance farm writing, blogging, and the occasional poem. You can read her blog at

Episode Notes

Tanya Tolchin and her husband Scott Hertzberg run a small diversified vegetable, flower, and herb farm called Jug Bay Market Garden (www.jugbaymarketgarden). The farm is located 20 miles outside Washington, DC and markets primarily through a CSA that delivers to Capitol Hill. Her first farm experience was on the Food Bank Farm in Western Massachusetts and later she worked on farms in Connecticut, England, and Israel. Tanya also worked for 10 years as an organizer and lobbyist for Sierra Club on issues ranging from protecting national forests to protecting workers and communities from toxic chemicals and forming alliances with labor unions. Now she is focused on her role as a full time mother of two young children and the farm’s bookkeeper, marketer, cheerleader and writer. Sometimes she can even be caught getting her hands dirty like the good old days, planting, weeding, picking and packing. Tanya is also trying to actualize her long time dream of being a writer, starting with freelance farm writing, blogging, and the occasional poem. You can read her blog at