Greenhorns Radio

Episode 151: Saundra Ball

Episode Summary

Saundra Ball is in her third year of farming, having first apprenticed on a vegetable farm in Texas before moving to the Hudson Valley, where shes worked on several small scale diversified farms. Saundra now works on a small dairy in Columbia County, milking Jerseys for direct market sales of fluid milk. While she pursues farming, Saundra is supporting herself in the meantime with a career in humanitarian aid. She hopes to have her own raw milk micro-dairy and a flock of sheep one day. Tune into this episode of Greenhorn Radio to hear more from Saundra! Thanks to our sponsor, Hearst Ranch. 80% of dairy farming is about pasture management. Pasture is what your cows eat, and what you put into your cows, you get out of your cows. [6:45] -- Saundra Ball on Greenhorn Radio

Episode Notes

Saundra Ball is in her third year of farming, having first apprenticed on a vegetable farm in Texas before moving to the Hudson Valley, where she’s worked on several small scale diversified farms. Saundra now works on a small dairy in Columbia County, milking Jerseys for direct market sales of fluid milk. While she pursues farming, Saundra is supporting herself in the meantime with a career in humanitarian aid. She hopes to have her own raw milk micro-dairy and a flock of sheep one day. Tune into this episode of Greenhorn Radio to hear more from Saundra! Thanks to our sponsor, Hearst Ranch.

“80% of dairy farming is about pasture management. Pasture is what your cows eat, and what you put into your cows, you get out of your cows.” [6:45] — Saundra Ball on Greenhorn Radio